Isabella G.
Life Returns
(Description/caption under photo. Click on photo for full-sized image.)
Life Returns
Story: Several years ago, a wildfire in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and surrounding towns destroyed forest, homes, and lives. I visited the area in the early spring after the fire. As I was walking along a trail, looking at the burned-out remains of the Sugarland area, I notice a small patch of wildflowers growing in front of a large section of charred forest. I was struck by the contrast of the delicate flowers against the backdrop of devastation. It reminded me that even when everything seems lost, hope and life always return.
Process: I used a Canon Rebel T-6 camera to take this photo. It was on the landscape setting, and I used no filters. I framed this photo using manual focus with the flowers as the focal point and the burnt-out forest as the background to tell the story of new life after destruction.