In STEAM/PBL students will explore and develop opportunities to change or overcome barriers that affect their real world. Students will think critically, problem-solve, and explore solving driving questions.
Spanish is offered for Kindergarten through 8th grade as an Encore class. Each student will attend Spanish class twice a week. 8th-grade students will attend twice a week. Our Spanish class is very interactive and hands-on learning is made appropriate for each grade level. Learning will include practice in listening and speaking skills for all grades. Practice in reading and writing will be added for upper grades. In addition to learning to read, write and speak basic Spanish, students will be immersed in learning Spanish culture.
Seton students are ARTrageous! Elementary students are introduced to the basics of two-dimensional and three-dimensional through a variety of lessons and projects. Students learn the seven elements of art and focus on the principals of design. In addition, they develop an understanding of the color wheel, drawing, shapes, painting, collage, paper sculpture and clay. Artwork is created from a variety of mediums with emphasis placed on craftsmanship. In middle school, lessons on the elements and principles of design are incorporated, and students enjoy more challenging projects in these areas through drawing, painting, mosaics, collage, and sculpture. Art history and art appreciation are also integrated throughout art classes. The year culminates with an impressive showing of the student’s artistic accomplishments in our annual ArtRageous Event student exhibition!
Music is one of Seton Catholic’s encore classes that is offered for grades PK4 through 5th grade. In addition to preparing music for our weekly school Masses, students are taught using principles and methodology from the Kodaly and Orff methods and is now being supplemented with Prodigies Music, and online video curriculum.
In 7th and 8th grades, students may study guitar rather than band. emphasis is placed on music reading and musicianship. Guitarists are able to play in weekly Masses and required to play in the Christmas and Spring concerts.
Seton Catholic School’s physical education program focuses on age appropriate skills, healthy habits, and activities for students in PreK4 through 8th grade. The curriculum meets state and national standards, while also teaching students rules and sportsmanship. Our program ensures students know how to include faith into athletics and promotes a life of healthy living.
Our band makes joyful sounds! Beginning in fifth grade our students have the option to join band. Students can choose from variety of brass, woodwind or percussion instruments. Each grade level meets in their band class twice per week, and the progress made throughout the year is astounding! Band students also have the opportunity to participate in other musical venues outside of school including All State and All District Band, and Solo & Ensemble competitions.
The library seeks to expose the students to quality literature appropriate to students’ age and Lexile level. We have over 15,000 books and two computers for students to use. We assist students in locating and selecting the appropriate book, learning library rules and procedures, and proper care and responsibility of their books. The library also has two book fairs each year. The book fairs offer students a chance to buy books for themselves or for their classroom. The money the school makes helps to purchase new books for the library and for classrooms.