A summary of ranking for admission to the school is listed below:
- 1. Current registered students who continue to meet school standards and their siblings.
- 2. Registered, contributing parishioners of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish.
- 3. Registered, contributing parishioners from other parishes.
- 4. Non-participating or Non-Catholic students.
It is our hope that all children of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton will be admitted to school after completing the registration required by the school office. However, some general conditions for admission include, but are not limited to, current class size, academic history, behavioral history, and special learning needs. All records must be submitted before final approval of acceptance is given. The administration holds the right to require assessment for entrance into its academic program. All students must meet school standards.
Children entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old by August 1 of the year they are admitted.